In order to know which character display design the game should be used on the Marketplace, BOUNTYKINDS held a survey via Google Forms to all of their active players. This survey will decide the Marketplace’s visual and display changes to the overall Character NFT’s display by adding the Character NFT’s current and max level potential.
Logistics of the Agenda Lv1 Survey
BOUNTYKINDS Marketplace Display Design Proposal
As a part of our BOUNTYKINDS World DAO, we will be holding a survey geared towards our players!
from June 29 – 9 AM UTC, 2023 to June 29 – 9 PM UTC , 2023
The survey will be about the character display design on Marketplace✨
In the course of the Marketplace renovation, changes will be made to the character display design.
The character’s current and Max levels are added to the display.
Which of the ABC’s is the most appropriate design for BOUNTYKINDS Marketplace?

The survey will be about the character display design on Marketplace In the course of the Marketplace renovation, changes will be made to the character display design.
The character’s current and Max levels are added to the display.
All respondents will receive 50 FFE point as a reward.
*Only valid accounts playing on BOUNTYKINDS are eligible. This survey will run for 12 hour
Survey Results

As a result of the voting, the design was decided to display A. The marketplace is actually implemented using this specification.
Although this survey was short and quick of only 12 hours, BOUNTYKINDS was able to reach a conclusion thanks to the majority of the community deciding on the “Display Type A” to be used for the Character Display Design in the Marketplace.